Plotly charts in nteract notebooks using R

nteract is an open-source, desktop coding environment built on top of the Jupyter notebook kernel. Unlike Jupyter notebook, nteract has a GUI-based installer and app launcher.


The Plotly R package can now be used in nteract for interactive notebook authoring in R.
Visit the links below for information on how to install nteract and an R kernel for nteract:

  1. Visit nteract releases to download nteract.
  2. Visit IRkernel to see details on how to install an R kernel for nteract.
  3. Visit Carson’s Plotly for R book for more details on plotly and its capabilities. Plotly graphs are embedded in nteract notebooks with the embed_notebook() function. Once the plotly R library is loaded, with library(plotly), you can call help(embed_notebook()) within nteract to learn more about this function.

Installation Note

If you encounter an installation error, make sure that sure pandoc.exe and pandoc-citeproc.exe are available in the same folder where R.exe resides.

Below are some examples on how to use plotly within nteract.

Visit Carson’s Plotly for R book for more details on plotly and its capabilities.